Learn to dance under the individual guidance of a professional. Take the opportunity to dance the grand finale at the Žofín Palace in Prague. We will lend dancers dresses and make-up to make them feel like real stars.


StarDance Ball

The whole project will culminate on 3.12.2023 in a grand finale at the Žofín. The finale of the Senior StarDance is part of a beautiful ball, which you definitely must not miss. Come dance and support our senior dancers and be part of a lovely evening.

Seniorské StarDance

Naučte se tančit pod individuálním vedením profesionála. Využijte příležitosti zatančit si velké finále v pražském paláci Žofín. Tanečníkům zapůjčíme šaty a nalíčíme je, aby si připadali jako opravdové hvězdy.

Seniorský StarDance Ples

Celý projekt vyvrcholí 3.12.2023 ve velkolepém finále na Žofíně. Finále Seniorského StarDance je součástí nádherného plesu, na kterém rozhodně nesmíte chybět. Přijďte si zatančit a podpořit naše seniorské tanečníky
a  staňte se součástí nezapomenutelného večera.


Senior StarDance is a dance competition for seniors organized by Škola Tance Pro Všechny. The project not only offers seniors the opportunity to have an active experience of dancing and performing in public but also to meet other people and get involved in cultural events. The competition takes place in several rounds, and the selected couples get the opportunity to participate in the finals, which take place during an evening at Žofín. The Senior StarDance project also promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, which is essential for maintaining seniors’ physical and mental health.


In past years, there have been many memorable years of the Senior StarDance competition, which has produced many great dance performances and unforgettable experiences for all involved. Our dancers boast their dancing skills and the courage and vigour with which they took the stage. Check out the photo gallery and videos from past years and be inspired to participate in future years of Senior StarDance.

Instructional videos

We want to offer you a unique opportunity to improve your dancing skills and increase your chances of success in the Senior StarDance casting. We have prepared video tutorials for you!

You can play, watch and learn from them at your own pace. We believe these video tutorials will provide you with valuable tips and techniques that will move you closer to achieving your dance dream. We look forward to seeing you at our casting!

Napsali o nás

Sama doma

We have presented our project at national television broadcastČT – Sama Doma.


“The next year of the senior Star Dance is approaching! We can’t wait to dance together with our sensational seniors on the Žofín dance floor!”